Katie's experience visiting the DCC Assessments Center. Story and photos by Katie.
A Visit to the Diagnostic Center
Katie's Story
Hi! My name is Katie and I would like to tell you about my visit to the Diagnostic Center. I am 8 years old, but some children that come are younger and some are much older!
This is a picture of my Mom and Dad and me ready to walk into the front door. I was a little nervous, because I didn't know what would happen.
The first thing I saw was a board with my name on it! That made me feel good. There were three other kids the same week that I went.
This is the front desk. Every time we came in the building we signed in a book.
This is the front waiting room. We looked at some booklets and waited for someone to show us where to go. I was really curious what would happen next. A lady come and took us to the family room.
Here I am in the family room. There are lots of things to do. I found the girl stuff but there is also a train, lots of building things, books to read and games to play. One of the big kids had brought his own Game Boy to play.
This is where my schedule was posted. My Mom and Dad always knew what was scheduled for us. The best part was knowing when lunch was! We got to go to any restaurant that we wanted! I got to choose once!.
My family is walking with me to my first session. The person I was going to work with came and got us. I worked with 4 different people. They were all nice.
Here I am working with one of the people on my "team". I did all kinds of things. Some were easy and some were hard, but I just did my best! They told me that their job was to figure out how I learn so that they could help my teachers and parents know how to teach me.
After every time I finished working, I got to go to the treasure box and choose a prize!.
After each time that I worked with someone, I got to go back to the family room. Here I am coloring while I wait for my next person.
Now I am in the Doctor's room. I really didn't want to see a doctor... but she was really nice and guess what?! She doesn't have any shots at all! And look how cool her room is!
When all the testing was done, my family and I went home. I had such a good time during my three days at the Diagnostic Center that I was a little sad to say good bye to everyone.