Professional Development Manual 2024-25
Professional Development Manual Home | Special Event Offerings | 2024-25 Learning Opportunities
The Diagnostic Center, Central California offers formal professional learning opportunities to Local Education Agency (LEA) staff and parents and other educational professionals and community partners. Our topics are based on statewide and local needs assessments, as well as other areas of interest. As the provision of assessment services is our primary responsibility, we may not be able to accommodate all requests for training. In an effort to maximize our training resources, we offer training and technical assistance in several formats including:
- Single training presented in person to your district or region at your selected location
- Single training presented virtually but sponsored by your district or region
- Special event workshops hosted by the Diagnostic Center (virtual and/or in-person)
- Training series hosted by the Diagnostic Center (virtual and/or in-person)
- Regularly scheduled interactive virtual mini sessions on specialized topics
- On-demand (pre-recorded) training sessions accessed through our website
- Comprehensive Professional Development Projects
- Consultation and Coaching Services (virtual and/or in person)
Trainings are scheduled in an equitable manner for Local Education Agencies, Special Education Local Planning Areas (SELPAs), Regional Coordinating Councils, and related community agencies who serve children. There are no fees for our services.
To request trainings, please refer to "How to Schedule Trainings" in the following section of this manual. If you have any specific questions, please contact: Melanie Johnson, Director, by email at or by phone 559-243-4047.
Please submit your request(s) for 2024-25 no later than October 31, 2024, to secure your training requests and dates as schedules fill up quickly!
Comprehensive Professional Development Projects
Comprehensive professional development projects are individually and collaboratively designed to meet the specific school site or district needs. Projects incorporate in-depth content training, multiple levels of follow up support including demonstration teaching, coaching, and on-site collaboration. Our projects are implemented over an agreed upon span of time that could include a period of weeks, months or even a year and more. If you are interested in learning how your school or district might benefit from a Professional Development Project, please email
How to Schedule and Prepare for Trainings
Visit our Request and Prepare for a Training web page for information about scheduling a training.
Service Area
The Diagnostic Center, Central (DCC) is located in Fresno, California and serves the following counties:
Amador, Calaveras, Fresno, Kern (North and West), Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne
Visit our Areas Served web page for more information.
Diagnostic Center Central Presenters
Get to know the Diagnostic Center Central Presenters!