Professional Learning Opportunities
Formal professional learning opportunities for Local Education Agency (LEA) staff, parents, and other educational professionals offered by the Diagnostic Center, Central California.
Professional Development Manual Home | Special Event Offerings | 2024-25 Learning Opportunities
Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Autism Spectrum Disorder - All Offerings
- A-1 Assistive Technology to Support Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- A-2 Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z: Assessment to Zany Conversation
- A-3 Treatment Ideas for the Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) Working with the Student Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders…Building a Road Map for Successful Communication
- A-4 Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Social Intimacy and Social Skills
- A-5 Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Strategies for Supporting Students with ASD, Attention, and Social Anxiety Needs
- A-6 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Combining Evidence-Based Practices to Optimize Learning
- A-7 Antecedent-Based Interventions: Stay Ready So That You Don't Have to Get Ready (New!)
- A-8 The Spectrum of Learning: Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) for Autism (Custom EBP Training) (New!)
Student Engagement and Behavior
- Student Engagement and Behavior - All Offerings
- B-1 Maximizing Student Engagement; Minimizing Disruptive Behavior
- B-2 No Good Very Bad Day…Could it be Communication?
- B-3 Enhancing Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) to Create Effective Student Support
- B-4 Looking at Behavior Through a New Lens
- B-5 Impacts of Emotions and the "Rage Cycle" for School Age Children and Adolescents
- B-6 Executive Function Instruction Strategies
- B-7 The Blueprint for Bonds: Constructing Connections with Students (New!)
- B-8 Sensory-Supportive Environments: Classroom Structures for Success (New!)
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Social Emotional Learning - All Offerings
- C-1 Taking the Pressure off: Finding Resilience (New!)
- C-2 The Trauma Informed Classroom (New!)
- C-3 Responsive Discipline: Trauma Informed-Approaches to SEL and Co-Regulation (New!)
- C-4 De-escalation from the Inside Out: Neuroscience for Restoring Calm (New!)
- C-5 The Apathy Cure (New!)
- C-6 Mindfulness (New!)
- C-7 Cultivating Resilience with the HOPE Framework (New!)
Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
- Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities - All Offerings
- D-1 Selective Mutism: Assessment and Intervention Strategies
- D-2 Functional Communication Training
Early Childhood
- Early Childhood - All Offerings
- E-1 Fun, Phonemes and Future Reading Success
- E-2 Making Every Day a Learning Day
- E-3 Planting the Seeds of Early Literacy
- E-4 Shaping Positive Early Childhood Behaviors
- E-5 Managing Meltdowns; Impacts of Emotions and the "Rage Cycle" for Young Children
- E-6 Growing Resilient: Behavior Support Strategies for Early Childhood Educators - (New!)
- E-7 Enhancing Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teacher-Child Interactions with PRIDE (Praise, Reflection, Imitation, Description, and Enthusiasm) Skills - (New!)
- E-8 Co-Regulation Techniques for ECE - (New!)
Complex Communication and Intellectual Disabilities
- Complex Communication and Intellectual Disabilities - All Offerings
- I-1 Building Communication Opportunities Throughout the Day for Students with Complex Communication Disorders
- I-2 Students with Complex Communication and Intellectual Disabilities…Avoiding the Impact of Learned Helplessness
- I-3 Evidence-Based Practices that Support Students with Complex Communication and Significant Cognitive Disabilities
- I-4 Developing a Language Enriched Environment
Language and Literacy
- Language and Literacy - All Offerings
- L-1 Integrating Literacy for Students with Complex Communication Needs
- L-2 What is Dyslexia?
- L-3 Once Upon a Word: Morphology
- L-4 Assistive Technology and Dyslexia
- L-5 The What, the How, and the Why of Phonology and Phonics for Parents, Paraeducators, and Child Care Providers
- L-6 Best Practices in Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners
- L-7 Assisting Older Struggling Readers: It's Never Too Late!
- Paraeducators - All Offerings
- P-1 Maximizing Student Engagement; Minimizing Disruptive Behaviors – How a Paraeducator Can Help
- P-2 A Paraeducator's Role in Enhancing Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) and Effective Student Supports
- P-3 A Paraeducator's Role in the Science of Reading
- P-4 A Paraeducator's Role in Assisting Students Impacted by Environmental Adversity, Trauma, or Foster Placement
- P-5 Paraeducator Opportunities for Looking at Behavior through a New Lens!
Speech and Language
- Speech and Language - All Offerings
- S-1 Assessment and Treatment: Speech Fluency Disorders
- S-2 Building Social Skills Groups for Diverse Learners
- S-3 Differential Assessment and Interventions for Students with Significantly Reduced Speech Intelligibility
- S-4 Language Processing Disorder: Assessment and Treatment Considerations
Assistive Technology and Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Assistive Technology and Agumentative and Alternative Communication - All Offerings
- T-1 Assistive Technology Assessment – Certificate Program
- T-2 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Assessment to Intervention – Certificate Program
- T-3 Augmentative and Alternative Communication – Building Literacy
- T-4 Assistive Technology Supports for Organization and Executive Functioning
- T-5 Assistive Technology Supports for Mathematics
- T-6 Assistive Technology Assessment to Intervention: Building Supports for Written Language
- T-7 Aided Language Stimulation and Data Collection for Trials in Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC)
- T-8 Using Technology to Support the Essential Elements of Literacy Including Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Language Skills
Specialized Topics
- Specialized Topics - All Offerings
- Z-1 Concussions: More than Just a Bump on the Head! (Traumatic Brain Injury)
- Z-2 Secondary Transition Planning 101: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Mandates and Compliance
- Z-3 IEP Basics: Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Effective Collaboration (New!)
- Z-4 Teacher Burnout and the Importance of Self-Care (New!)
- Z-5 Writing IEPs for Students with Autism from a Neurodivergent Mindset (New!)