Student Engagement and Behavior
Professional Development Manual Home | Special Event Offerings | 2024-25 Learning Opportunities
B-1 Maximizing Student Engagement; Minimizing Disruptive Behavior
- Jodie Dittmar, M.S., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
Special and General Education Teachers, Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, General and Special Education Administrators, and Program Specialists
2 to 3 hours
In person (or may be virtual if requested)
Proactive strategies to increase student engagement not only maximize classroom learning opportunities, but will often decrease reactive behavioral strategies as well. As one of the Diagnostic Center, Central California's most requested trainings, this interactive workshop includes essential principles of direct instruction, differentiation, student engagement, and multi-tier behavioral support. Keep the Common Core State Standards in mind while focusing on student engagement and Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Practical solutions, video modeling, and workable behavior supports for common attention or behavior problems will be included.
Participants will be able to
- Immediately apply active learning strategies with groups and individuals in varied settings.
- Relate classroom, student, school site, or distance learning needs to MTSS.
- Consider proven interventions for common interruptions to student success (including ADHD, learning disabilities, environmental factors, learned helplessness, and more).
- Access helpful resources for active student engagement, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and proactive functional behavior supports.
B-2 No Good Very Bad Day…Could it be Communication?
- Michelle Austin, M.A., CCC/SLP Speech-Language Pathologist/Assistive Technology Specialist
- Laura Lavery, M.A., Education Specialist/Assistive Technology Specialist
Intended Audience
Special and General Education Teachers and Administrators
3 hours
Everybody communicates through behavior. An infant may cry when hungry or wet, just like an adult may yawn when bored. Adults and children are communicating something through their behavior during every moment in every day, even if they are not aware of it. A child's problematic or inappropriate behavior is a sign that he is upset and that something is not right. Children sometimes have trouble communicating because they may not be able to verbally describe the problem or know what to do in a situation. At these times, children may act out their feelings or needs. If a child has an underlying communication disorder, their behavior can often be a primary means for their communication. The purpose may be getting someone's attention, stopping an activity they don't like, or satisfying sensory needs — but there is always a reason behind the behavior. Once adults understand what children are communicating through their behavior, they can respond better. When adults help children find positive ways to communicate their needs to others, children learn important social and problem-solving skills that will help them throughout their life.
Participants will
- Identify ways to read non-verbal communication.
- Discuss the relationship between communication and behavior.
- Relate behavior to individuals with communication disorders and discuss the possible underlying impact.
- List evidence-based practices to address behavior for individuals with communication disorders.
B-3 Enhancing Check-In, Check-Out (CICO) to Create Effective Student Support
- Jodie Dittmar, M.S., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
General and Special Education Teachers, Administrators, and others
2 hours
Check-In, Check-Out Systems (CICO) have long been shown to be an effective support to students with difficulties in organization, attention or self-regulation. This workshop will consider components of CICO systems that work and provide examples for varied ages and needs. Participants will be given the opportunity to consider what might be missing, revised, or added to make their own students more successful.
Participants will leave with
- Key components essential to making a CICO system effective.
- Examples of CICO systems addressing varied ages and developmental needs.
- Considerations of individual student connection to key adult support.
- Resources to further consider how CICO can enhance Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).
B-4 Looking at Behavior Through a New Lens
- Jodie Dittmar, M.S., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
General and Special Educators, Day Care Providers, Social Workers, Nurses, Paraeducators, or Parents
2 hours
This workshop is perfect for the new or experienced educator, parent, or administrator who can benefit from a fresh set of eyes, or fresh start, in addressing particularly challenging behavior. In a unique and interactive way, participants will consider impacts on behavior including communication, cognition, and anxiety and reconsider both traditional structures and personal beliefs. A practical look at adult/child relationships, barriers to success, and ideas for renewed energy (for both adult and child) will be included.
Participants will
- Note impacts to behavior, including typical and atypical child development, communication, and/or adult and child experiences.
- Consider self-beliefs and/or skill limits that can impact the child or adult.
- Consider strategies and examples for the classroom and other environments.
- Use resources to reengage or reconsider a child's behaviors and needs.
B-5 Impacts of Emotions and the "Rage Cycle" for School Age Children and Adolescents
- Jodie Dittmar, M.S., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
General and Special Educators, Day Care Providers, Social Workers, Nurses, Paraeducators, or Parents
2 to 2.5 hours
This workshop addresses student behaviors at home or in the classroom when emotional impacts (and/or communicative challenges) prompt what is often termed a "meltdown." Research regarding the "rage cycle" will be shared, along with helpful considerations in addressing the "rage cycle," no matter the student's age.
Participants will consider
- Reasons for student "meltdowns," including challenges in communication setting, disability, experience, trauma, and emotion.
- The "rage cycle" and related intervention.
- Myths when addressing emotional outburst and defiance.
B-6 Executive Function Instructional Strategies
- Paula Velez, M.A., Education Specialist
- Melissa Miller, M.A., School Psychologist
Intended Audience
Special and General Education Teachers, Speech Language Pathologists, School Psychologists, Administrators, Paraeducators, and Parents
1.5 hours
Virtual or In-person
It is clear that executive function is important for success, and deficits in these skills can negatively impact everything from social skills to math performance. This presentation looks at how educators and families can support students with executive function weaknesses. A variety of practical strategies and interventions to address specific deficits will be provided.
Participants will be able to
- Identify specific executive function skills necessary for success.
- Review the impact of these skills on academic and social functioning.
- Learn useful strategies to support executive function skill development and improved performance.
B-7 The Blueprint for Bonds: Constructing Connections with Students (New!)
- Tamar Bedoyan, M.A., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
Special and General Education Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), School Psychologists, Parents, General and Special Education Administrators, Program Specialists, Paraprofessionals, School Nurses, and Behavior Support Personnel
2 to 3 hours
Put on your construction hats! We're building rapport! Building rapport with students is a foundational component of fostering a positive learning environment and sense of community. Rapport involves constructing meaningful connections based on trust, understanding, and mutual respect. Effective strategies include getting to know your students personally and ensuring they feel "seen" by being empathetic to their needs and backgrounds. By implementing these strategies, educators can create a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning and growth, where students feel valued and engaged – that they belong! This training is for those looking to enhance their skills in building relationships with students.
Participants will
- Develop plans for improving classroom culture by structuring the classroom environment to support relationships.
- Understand the critical need for increasing student engagement by decreasing student anxiety.
- Explore classroom structures to support positive interactions with students, as well as strategies to integrate relationship-building into the daily fabric of the classroom environment.
- Discover tools and resources to plan, implement, and track progress of selected interventions and strategies.
B-8 Sensory-Supportive Environments: Classroom Structures for Success (New!)
- Tamar Bedoyan, M.A., Education Specialist
Intended Audience
Special and General Education Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), School Psychologists, Parents, General and Special Education Administrators, Program Specialists, Paraprofessionals, and Behavior Support Personnel
2 hours
Virtual or in person
Designing sensory-supportive environments and classrooms is a transformative approach that caters to the diverse sensory needs of students. It involves creating spaces that reduce sensory overload and enhance learning experiences, particularly for those with sensory processing differences. Key elements include flexible seating options, visual organization, sensory breaks, and controlled lighting and noise levels. These strategies not only support individuals with sensory sensitivities but also foster an inclusive atmosphere where all students can thrive, and, consequently, learn strategies for self-care and self-advocacy. This training will cover ways of incorporating sensory-friendly design principles so that educators can craft classrooms that are welcoming, comfortable, and conducive to learning for every student.
Participants will
- Increase their awareness of sensory differences and how they affect student behavior and learning.
- Recognize the signs of sensory overload and learn how to quickly adapt the environment to help regulate students' sensory systems.
- Develop plans for enhancing the inclusivity of their learning environments by supporting the diverse sensory needs of students.