Special Event Offerings
Professional Development Manual Home | Special Event Offerings | 2024-25 Learning Opportunities
Tech Tuesday
We will host a series of learning opportunities which focus on assistive technology to support individuals in the areas of organization, engagement, learning, reading, writing, mathematics, and communication every month in the 2024-2025 school year. Each session is scheduled from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Visit our Tech Tuesdays web page for specific dates and topics.
Dyslexia Forums
Virtual or in-person (to be determined)
The Diagnostic Center, Central California offers the Dyslexia Forums each year as an avenue to disseminate current research and evidence-based practices regarding assessment and instruction for students diagnosed with Dyslexia and other reading disabilities. The Diagnostic Center Central will be offering three Dyslexia Forums during the 2024-25 school year.
Visit our Events web page for information on dates, times, topics, and registration details, or contact Jodie Dittmar at jdittmar@dcc-cde.ca.gov.
Experience Dyslexia®
This Learning Disabilities Simulation is designed to increase awareness of the difficulties and frustrations people with dyslexia encounter daily. The experience provides insight into working more effectively with students with dyslexia and leads to greater empathy and understanding. Facilitators guide participants through learning stations that simulate varied language-related learning tasks encountered in the classroom or workplace. This opportunity will be offered two times as an in-person event—one Fall 2024 and one Spring 2025 at the Diagnostic Center, Central California.
Visit our Events web page for information on dates and times, location, and registration details or contact Gwen Deeter at gdeeter@dcc-cde.ca.gov.
Science of Reading Academy
Based on science of reading research, this course has been designed for educators and others interested in learning more about the science of reading instruction. Knowledge and skills taught in this course are aligned with California Common Core Standards and California Dyslexia Guidelines. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in interactive training sessions, independent readings to improve teaching practice, connect with other reading teachers, and receive tailored, individualized support from our team of language and literacy specialists.
Course Requirements
Participation in the course is provided at no cost, but registration is required, and space may be limited. In addition, participants will be asked to purchase three textbooks that will be used throughout the course. In order to receive certification of course completion, participants are expected to attend all webinar sessions and complete assigned readings and activities.
Science of Reading Academy Team Members
- Paula Velez, M.A., Education Specialist
- Gwen Deeter, M.A., Education Specialist
- Patricia Deroian, M.A., Education Specialist
- Jodie Dittmar, M.S., Education Specialist
Visit our Science of Reading Academy web page for information on dates, times, course syllabus, course requirements, and registration information.
Executive Function: What's the Big Deal?
An in-person event focused on the topic of executive function, presented in three parts: What is Executive Function?, Executive Function and the Brain, and Executive Function Interventions and Strategies.
Visit our Executive Function: What's the Big Deal? web page for information on dates, times and registration.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Implementation for the School Team: Breaking Down Barriers and Building a Collaborative Approach to Improving Communication
This training is designed for student AAC implementation teams. Effective communication is a fundamental human need, and it is important to provide students with the tools and strategies they need to communicate independently and spontaneously. In order to support students who use AAC to be successful communicators, it is important to consider various factors such as the student's communication abilities, preferences, and needs. An AAC Implementation Plan can be a powerful tool for supporting students who use AAC to communicate effectively. By involving the student and their communication partners in the process, and by breaking down activities into smaller steps and identifying specific communication strategies, you can help ensure that the student is able to communicate independently and spontaneously across a variety of settings and activities.
Visit our AAC Implementation for the School Team web page for information on dates, times, requirements, and registration.
Assistive Technology Considerations and the IEP (New!)
This training discusses indicators for consideration of assistive technology needs, assistive technology requirements as it relates to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's (IDEA), and discuss the collaborative decision-making process to address the systematic consideration of each student's possible need for assistive technology as part of the IEP process.
Visit our Assistive Techology Considerations and the IEP web page for information on dates, times and registration.Supporting Literacy for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (New!)
Literacy is important for all individuals and is crucial for overall academic success, independent living, social participation, and employment opportunities. This training is designed to identify evidence-based strategies and interventions and multisensory teaching approaches, discuss qualities of literacy instruction, and valuate assistive technology tools to support reading, writing and language.
Visit our Supporting Literacy for Students with Intellectual Disabilities web page for information on dates, times and registration.
Assistive Technology to Support Students with Executive Function Challenges (New!)
Assistive technology can play a valuable role in supporting executive functioning skills for individuals with various conditions or disabilities. Learn to list the key executive functions, identify the strategies that support deficits in the key executive functions, and evaluate assistive technology tools to support executive functioning.
Visit our Assistive Technology to Support Students with Executive Function Challenges web page for information on dates, times and registration.