Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities
Professional Development Manual Home | Special Event Offerings | 2024-25 Learning Opportunities
D-1 Selective Mutism: Assessment and Intervention Strategies
- Michelle Austin, M.A., CCC/SLP Speech-Language Pathologist/Assistive Technology Specialist
Intended Audience
Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), School Psychologists, Special and General Education Teachers, and Administrators
6 hours
Individuals with Selective Mutism are at a significant disadvantage personally, socially, and educationally. These "quiet" children are not just choosing not to communicate. Selective Mutism is described as social communication anxiety. It not only affects verbal communication, but also nonverbal communication skills. This training will discuss assessment and treatment of students with Selective Mutism utilizing a team approach.
Participants will be able to
- Understand a multifaceted assessment approach.
- Identify members of a transdisciplinary team.
- List and understand the four stages of Selective Mutism.
- Identify evidence-based treatment approaches.
D-2 Functional Communication Training
- Michelle Austin, M.A., CCC/SLP Speech-Language Pathologist/Assistive Technology Specialist
- Laura Lavery, M.A., Education Specialist/Assistive Technology Specialist
Intended Audience
Special Education Teachers, Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), School Psychologists, Parents, School Nurses, Adapted Physical Education Specialists, Special Education Administrators, Program Specialists, and Paraprofessionals
3 hours
Functional communication training (FCT) is one of the most common and effective interventions for severe behavior problems. FCT is a systematic practice to replace inappropriate behavior or subtle communicative acts with more appropriate and effective communicative behaviors or skills. Non-Symbolic communicators, or individuals with significant communicative needs, often require augmentative or alternative language supports to address their behavioral communication. This training will address the evidence-based practice of FCT and the steps to implementation and development of a more socially acceptable form of communication.
Participants will be able to
- Identify the function of the student's behavior.
- Match the function of the behavior to its communication message.
- Develop a plan to shape the behavior toward more socially acceptable communication.