Assisting Older Struggling Readers: It's Never Too Late!
November 19 & 20, 2024
8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Diagnostic Center, Central CA
1818 W. Ashlan, Fresno, CA 93705
For the older struggling reader school tasks can be laborious, frustrating and time consuming - with little success in the end! Reasons for this may be complex, but for many it lies in underlying language-based literacy difficulty. The science of both instruction and intervention has been well established for years, and a growing focus on social emotional supports can also aid the upper elementary through high school aged struggling reader.
This two day, in person workshop will address evidence-based instructional practices (including decoding, orthographic mapping, vocabulary, content text comprehension, and written language) and addressing "learned helplessness" will be included. Resources will be provided for literacy assessment and intervention, multi-tier systems of support (MTSS), and both universal design and individualized accommodations. Participants will gain strategies for instruction, as well as learn of the many assistive technology tools to facilitate text comprehension and day to day tasks. Finally, an Experience Dyslexia® simulation will provide the opportunity to experience what the struggling student faces each day.
Registration For Assisting Older Struggling Readers
Registration deadline will be November 19, 2024.
Jodie L. Dittmar, M.S. - Education and Communication Specialist
Gwen Deeter, M.A. - Education Specialist
Michelle Austin, CCC/SLP Speech Language Pathologist/Assistive Technology Specialist
For additional information email Jodie Dittmar at