Assisting Older Struggling Readers
Addressing the needs of upper elementary, middle school and high school students struggling with reading and writing.
May 9th & 10th, 8:30 - 3:45 p.m.
Diagnostic Center, Central CA
1818 W. Ashlan, Fresno, CA 93705
Topics considered in this two-day, in-person workshop include:
- Evidence Based Literacy Instruction - What does the science say?
- Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Tier 1, 2, and 3 screening, instruction and intervention considerations.
- Experience Dyslexia® - a 90-minute, hands-on participant experience with activities simulating varied elements students with dyslexia may encounter.
- Strategies, curricula, and assessment considerations of intensive intervention.
- Universal design, and content learning accommodations and supports.
- Assistive Technology for reading and writing.
- Metacognition and Learned Helplessness of the older struggling learner.
- DCC Presenters: Jodie Dittmar, M.S. Education & Communication Specialist; Gwen Deeter; M.A., Education Specialist; Laura Lavery, M.A., Education Specialist; Michelle Austin, M.A., CCC/SLP Assistive Technology Specialist
Register for Assisting Older Struggling Readers
Diagnostic Center, Central CA has provided language, literacy (and other) assessment and training for over 35 years. DCC Dyslexia Forums are regularly scheduled avenues through which educators, parents, and community members update and expand knowledge in dyslexia and related literacy instruction, assessment, and intervention topics. For information see the DCC Events web page or contact Jodie Dittmar by phone at 559-243-4047 or by email at