Dyslexia Forum-April 29, 2022
Structured Literacy and Biliteracy
What Every Educator Should Know
A virtual learning professional development opportunity with keynote speaker:
Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan
April 29, 2022 1:00-3:30p.m.
Dyslexia Forums of the California Department of Education Diagnostic Center, Central CA (DCC) occur three times yearly to provide information regarding dyslexia related events, the CA Dyslexia Guidelines, and evidence-based language/literacy teaching principles. Every educator should know, and be able to utilize, evidence-based practices to increase literacy achievement of English learners. Our April Dyslexia Forum will feature Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan to address the needs of the 5 million English learners attending public schools today. Her presentation will highlight components of effective reading instruction and oral language proficiency considerations to differentiate instruction. Participants will learn how to integrate instruction of five components of reading, while simultaneously increasing oral language and comprehension skills of all students. Strategies will be modeled and practiced.