Sample Science of Reading Academy Syllabus
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This is a sample syllabus intended to illustrate the time commitment required for completion of this course. This is only an example - course content and videos are subject to change.
Educators are invited to participate in a blended online course designed to provide fundamental knowledge in reading development grounded in science of reading research, reading assessment knowledge and tools, phonological awareness and phonics instruction, morphology and language-literacy instructional components. Course content is presented through a combination of 6 self-paced learning units and 3 instructor led Virtual Professional Learning Community (VPLC) sessions.
Learning Outcomes
- Knowledge of how reading connections are made in the brain
- Be familiar with research-based resources for teaching reading available in print and online
- Identify the essential evidence-based components and principles of structured literacy instruction
- Understand key reading terms including: phonological awareness, concepts of print, orthographic mapping, phonics, and morphology
- Learn about various reading assessments and interpreting assessment results to guide instruction
- Know and be able to produce correct letter sounds for instruction
- Learn strategies that support multisyllabic word reading and vocabulary development
- Apply understanding of important reading concepts to identifying student learning needs
To provide educators with a knowledge foundation in science of reading research and practices, and hands-on practical skills with individualized support for each participant.
Participation in this carefully designed, high-quality course is provided at no cost and as a service of the Diagnostic Center Central to registered participants. Space may be limited, however. Course participants are strongly encouraged, but not required, to purchase the three textbooks that are referenced throughout the series.
Recommended Textbooks
- Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, Revised 2nd Edition
(2018) edited by Linda Diamond & B.J. Thorsnes. Novato, CA: Arena Press. (Approximate cost $49)
- Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition
(2018) by Bill Honig, Linda Diamond & Linda Gutlohn. Novato, CA: Arena Press. (Approximate cost $85)
Note: Discount may be available for the combined purchase of Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, Revised 2nd Edition
and Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition
. (Approximate cost $125)
- Kilpatrick, D. (2016). Equipped for reading success: a comprehensive, step by step program for developing phonemic awareness and fluent word recognition.
Syracuse, NY: Casey & Kirsch Publishers. (Approximate cost $50)
Teaching/Learning Strategies
- Reading from course textbooks
- Other readings as assigned, such as online articles and research
- Participation in live training sessions and discussions
- Watching recommended webinars and demonstration videos
- Completion of application activities in current teaching context
- Feedback and consultation with specialists
- Role playing/simulation during training sessions
To receive the most benefit from this course, participants will be asked to engage in various self-study activities such as: reading assigned sections from text, related from research, viewing recommended videos, and practicing suggested strategies within the educational setting. With this in mind, participants are asked to prepare for teaching sessions by completing the Read/Watch assignments before each teaching session. Suggested Readings, office hours, and the Dyslexia Forum are all considered optional opportunities for further learning in this course. The office hours and individual consultation offered upon request are especially valuable for educators wishing to receive more personalized support from our team of specialists.
Sample Syllabus & Assignments
Unit 1
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Introduction to Science of Reading | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
What Is Orthographic Mapping? | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Suggested Unit 1 Reading: Teaching Reading IS Rocket Science, 2020: What Expert Teachers of Reading Should Know and Be Able to Do by Louisa Moats
Unit 2
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Reading Assessment 1 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Reading Assessment 2 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Unit 3
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Phonological Awareness 1 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Phonological Awareness 2 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Unit 4
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Phonics 1 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Phonics 2 | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Unit 5
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Multisyllabic Word Reading | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Morphology | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Unit 6
Topic | Assignments | Estimated Time |
Syntax & Semantics in Literacy | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |
Language-Literacy Connection: Putting It All Together | Read:
Prep Work: 1.5 hours
Presentation: 1.5 hours |